School Residentials have genuine benefits. They’re crucial for developing essential life skills and personal growth. Read on to see what our residentials and day visits offer, plus bursary funding…
- PSHE-linked activities
Our fun, varied activities link to the PSHE curriculum, offering much-needed opportunities for pupils to relate what they learn in the classroom to real-life settings. Residentials provide a real chance for developing personal growth and skills for life, from confidence to communication, teamwork, resilience and problem solving.
- The chance for pupils to bond
Taking on new activities in a new environment brings out the need for pupils to work together and support each other. Whether it’s by depending on each other to navigate across the quarry and avoid taking a dunking in the water, or building a raft together, this is the perfect setting to build trust and communication skills. We’ve seen new friendships formed and existing ones deepened.
- The chance to identify strengths
The way pupils learn, what they’re good at and what they enjoy varies a lot. Residentials and day trips help children and young people to find out more about themselves, identify talents, be encouraged and achieve beyond the classroom. Our activities present ample opportunities for pupils to expand their minds and discover new passions!
- A mental health boost
The NHS has listed connecting with others, being physically active, learning new skills and paying attention to the present moment (mindfulness) as the top ways to improve mental health. This is what our residentials are all about! Getting children and young people enjoying outdoor activities now is an excellent way to instil a love for adventures that promote mental wellbeing that lasts well into adulthood. All our activities teach pupils something new, whether that’s learning paddling skills or mastering jumping off coasteering platforms. Our Instructors are committed to ensuring that every child comes away having felt supported and challenged at just the right level.
- A way to conquer fears
Our activities are designed to offer challenges for every pupil. So, from abseiling hands-free to braving the high wire bridge of the Via Ferrata, there are plenty of opportunities to feel empowered by overcoming fears and obstacles!
- Fun and life-long memories
Let’s not forget pure fun! Yes it’s important to stretch and grow, but so is building wonderful childhood memories that will be remembered forever.
Funding Opportunities!
We offer bursaries of up to 50% of the cost for pupils eligible for free school meals. If you’re interested in booking a residential, we have the last few spaces left for 2025. If you’re keen or want to find out more about funding, please email us at
“I loved all of it. My favourite thing was…EVERYTHING!” (Nianh, year 4)